"Красиво, хорошо. С любовью из Молдовы! Александр, Елена и Евочка."
"Beautiful, nice. From Moldova with love! Alexander, Helena, Eva."
Parerile clientilor nostri sunt foarte importante pentru noi, fiind cele care ne fac sa devenim mai buni in ceea ce facem. Impartasim cu dumneavoastra comentariile pe care le lasati in "Caietul clientului" si promitem ca intotdeauna sa va oferim o experienta memorabila.
"Красиво, хорошо. С любовью из Молдовы! Александр, Елена и Евочка."
"Beautiful, nice. From Moldova with love! Alexander, Helena, Eva."
"The best jewellery shop I have ever seen! Every year I come in Thassos, I come here and all the time “Iris Gold” has a very good impact on me, finding here everything I am looking for.
Keep in going! You’re the first, Iris Gold!
All the best, every year visitor,
"Thank you!!!
Congratulation for the design and wonderful atmosphere in store!
Its our second visit here and we are delighted!
Best wishes from Romania "
"Thanks to my lovely husband for my great presents!
We love Iris Gold!"
Family Simsek